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Fida Africa Celebrates the Maputo Protocol @ 20

July 11, 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, popularly referred to as the Maputo Protocol. The Maputo Protocol is a landmark treaty on the African continent, that was passed by African Heads of States and Governments with high participation from women’s civil society organisations and women’s groups. The result was one of the most comprehensive treaties on women’s rights globally, as it incorporates women’s rights to peace, the prohibition on harmful practices like Female Genital Mutilation, women’s reproductive rights, a healthy environment and the rights of widows.

It is against the background of the commemoration of the Maputo Protocol 20th anniversary that FIDA Africa under the auspices of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA International) is convening the Africa Regional Conference in Abuja, Nigeria. We are excited to host women lawyers from our country FIDA chapters to attend this conference. Our membership comprises of women lawyers from diverse backgrounds in the Government, NGO and Corporate Sector and will provide rich insights into how the Maputo Protocol can and has advanced women’s rights in Africa, tying this to the value returns of ditigal advancements that have accelerated or elevated their work in the different spheres. We say to you as you prepare to travel to Abuja, Ndewo, Barka da zuwa, Kaabo, Akwaba, Wamukelekile, Karibu, Bienvenue, Bem-vindo and Welcome!

Laura Nyirinkindi
Regional Vice President Africa (Central, East & Southern)

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